

Don’t take my word for it…
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Daiyu, Online

``I considered having therapy when I was off work for several weeks with stress and anxiety. I found it really difficult to get up each day and face things and my thoughts were spiralling round and round. I had tried different ways to help myself and they didn’t seem to be making much difference. One of my friends recommended Sara to me as she had helped him. Sara put me at ease pretty quickly and I soon started to feel more relaxed in sessions - I actually started to enjoy them. Sara did ask challenging questions at times - but I know these helped me, even though I couldn’t always answer straight away. I deal with things completely differently now and it’s quite hard to think how bad I actually felt. I am so much more confident and happy and I know that I won’t end up back in that same place - as I can use the techniques I have learned to help me.``

C Cl, Torquay

``I first started going to Sara for therapy around 2 years ago, I was suffering with Anxiety and also issues from previous relationships/childhood and was struggling to move forward. I chose this type of therapy as I had been recommended by a friend who said it had helped her a lot and I had never taken this route before. Sara has helped me more than I could have ever imagined! I feel so much more confident in myself and my decisions and it feels like a weight has been lifted! She makes you feel very comfortable and I always feel alot better after speaking to her. After my initial course, I still book to have regular sessions with Sara when I feel like I need some extra support. I would highly recommend this type of therapy, it has helped me to navigate more clearly through day to day life! Thank you Sara.``

Jayne, Brixham

I started suffering the symptoms of the menopause without really knowing what they were. My confidence had crashed and I felt like I was starting to lose myself. I really was struggling to sleep at night. I couldn't believe the night sweats I was experiencing were really connected to my hormones, as I felt too young for that to be happening to me. I started to be more worried about things that were normally OK and just less able in every way. I did try HRT, which was helpful, but I was unable to keep taking it. I hadn't really thought about therapy - but I heard about Sara through someone at work and I am so glad I did. From the outset, I felt calm and reassured and learnt more about why I might be feeling like I was. The therapy itself was really good at helping me to find a real direction and the relaxing bit was just so wonderful. I don't think I have ever felt that relaxed! Working with Sara has helped me to feel more calm, more focused and more confident. My night sweats are much less intense and frequent too! ``

``My son was feeling really stressed at school and not enjoying being there. He was also worried about his exams. I don’t know what you did with him, but he seems much more relaxed and calmer about things. He also seems more accepting of school.``


``I didn’t know what to think about this type of therapy. But, once I’d come along to the first session and met Sara, I felt sure I wanted to continue. I had sleeping problems and fatigue. She encourages me to talk about my achievements and, when I see her regularly, my sleep pattern is better and I am more motivated.``


``I went to Sara with confidence issues. I was ostracised in a job over 8 years ago and, over the years, I have felt my self esteem dwindle, worsened by the menopause. She allows me to talk openly about my feelings and listens intently. She uses different techniques, compassionately, offering a comfortable and warm place to lay and is very attentive to my needs. She offers me blankets to keep me warm during the process. I can say, I feel better about myself already and I am able to walk into a room and make conversation with confidence.``

Frank (online)

``I was struggling to cope with grief after my wife died and tried accessing the traditional therapeutic routes. Whilst these provided temporary relief I was looking for lasting change to help me to move forward. This type of therapy, which included different techniques, was not something that I had considered might help. However, when a friend who had benefited from sessions with Sara suggested I should try, I was so pleased that I did. After discussing my feelings and setting outcomes Sara designed sessions around my specific needs. I was astonished that all of this could be achieved online. All of my sessions taking place without me having to leave home. I felt lifted after the first session and built on this with the download that she provided and followed up with further sessions. I can’t thank her enough for helping to give me the strength to move forward and re-engage with life. This hypnotherapy has been a revelation to me that has opened up a world of possibilities and made a positive lasting change. Thank you Sara.``

Lisa (online)

``I can honestly say that this has changed my life. It's not that I didn't enjoy my life before but I did react emotionally to certain things that were not helpful to me. An example would be avoiding a letter about finances and then getting upset when I read it and not being able to deal with the contents. For someone of 49 years old I wanted to change this pattern of behaviour but it wasn't easy. I just repeated the same old habits with the same emotions. Now I feel so much more in control of life and everyday things so that I'm now much happier, more confident and not so critical of myself. It's like I've been able to finally recognise what I can achieve and master the things I found hard to do. You can't underestimate how wonderful that feels. Sara made the whole process easy to manage and I am so grateful to her for giving me a new lease of life! I highly recommend this therapy.``

Sonia, Paignton

``I was recommended to Bay Wellbeing from a good friend of mine, who also like me used to share a fear of flying. I can remember when my fear of flying came about in 2006 on my honeymoon. I remember feeling very worried about flying because of the fear of a bomb on the plane. This fear consumed me to the point my flight in 2006 was my last. Well that was until this year, 2017... this year was my year of making a change and facing my fears, finally. I can honestly say turning 40 this year, has had a big influence over this. I didn't want to get to an age and continue to have this fear. So I decided to take matters in to my own hands and do something about it. I had 2 holidays coming up and the fear was starting to take hold.... how was I going to get on to a flight, let alone 2 in a space of a month, without making a big drama, and allowing anxiety to take over. I wanted to take charge of this fear. So I took my friends advice and went to visit Sara at Bay Wellbeing. I didn't know what to expect really. Hypnotherapy, I thought was about a therapist taking control of your mind to make you do silly things. Well I can say this is not how Sara was able to take away my fear of flying, but she did take away my fear of flying and she did this in the most relaxing way. I used these 6 sessions as time for me, well to me I only had to lay there and relax, how easy this was. So two flights done and one flight amazingly, on my own. I wouldn't have been able to have done this without the hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy has not only taken away my fear of flying but it has also started a ripple effect of change in my life. I have been more confident to take life opportunities as they come and have belief in myself to accomplish my goals. 2017 has certainly been one year of change and accomplishments and I owe this to Sara at Bay Well being.``


``I needed to pass the exams for my job and I had already failed them twice. I was getting more anxious each time I was taking them and didn’t know what to do. Someone suggested hypnotherapy, which I hadn’t considered before. It really helped me to relax and feel more confident on the day and I’m so thrilled that I passed this time!``

``I feel so much more positive and this has helped me to stick at my diet plan, where I’ve always given up in the past.``

N Stafford

``I’ve had a crippling fear of flying for as long as I can remember and after an extremely professional and informative consultation, I learnt so much about why I felt the way I did and we continued with some hypnotherapy, which quite frankly has changed my life. Sara could not be more accommodating. I have a very busy and hectic life and she could not have done more to fit appointments in around me to make sure I was ready to fly on an imminent holiday that quite frankly I was dreading purely because of the travelling. You can tell that Sara's main goal is just help you and goes above and beyond to do this. Not only do you get a very professional treatment but also a very warm and friendly one, which for me made all the difference. I have recommended many people to Sara who have already noticed unbelievable positive changes. I never thought I would ever be able to get over some of my phobias, especially flying and I can't thank Sara enough for that. I can't wait to restart our sessions in a few weeks, it really has made such a difference to all areas of my life. I would definitely recommend Bay Wellbeing to everyone in a heartbeat.``


``Ok I'm going to write this review from the heart, but I have to say I have put it off for one reason only... Mere words will never express the gratitude I feel, and how important taking the step to see Sara was, and how it has affected every aspect of my life... When I first met Sara, I explained I had a fear of flying. It was so bad that I had missed two opportunities to see dear friends get married abroad. The confidence Sara had in me getting through it even from the first visit, made me believe strongly there was hope. I was asked if I had any other fears,and my answer to this question was a yes, but that I felt I could carry on avoiding the subjects of my fears, and I didn't need them addressed (I felt they weren't a normal fear or were worthy) Sara's reply that we could help with my fear of Pigeons (you can laugh if you like) and wasps/bees. Through weekly meetings we'd chat, and follow it with relaxation, and it was during these chats that I really realised there were a few issues in my life that I needed to sort, about myself. These weekly meetings became more and more empowering even before the subjects of my fears were addressed through the hypnotherapy! As a side to the fact that I can now walk amongst darling pigeons, wonder what key (I sing!) their wings flap in as they whirr past my head, and almost try to pick bees up off the ground as I forget myself for moment, I have been released by this therapy. I feel free, my spirit is back and I know when I'm happy, I know what I need to do in order to deal with some situations in my life whereas before I struggled. I have found my creative juices flowing back... so much so I have signed up to partner other artists in exhibitions both in September and February. I accredit all this to my hypnotherapy sessions with Sara and would not hesitate to recommend her (in fact I do all the time!) Two weeks ago, I booked a flight for October! That is progress! Thank you Sara.``


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Solutions Focused Clinical Hypnotherapy can effectively help with these issues and many more.  It can also help you to understand:

  • how your brain reacts
  • why you may feel the way you do
  • what you can do about it

People often think of hypnotherapy as something weird and mystical that is ‘done to them’.  Whereas, although it’s powerful,  trance is something you do regularly, when you daydream watching TV, or when you drive somewhere and don’t remember how you got there.  During sessions you remain completely in control and there is nothing to be worried about at all!  Why not take the first step and book a free telephone consultation to find out if this is the right way forward for you.

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