

Don’t suffer in silence…
I can help you!

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07803 175559

Just think how great it would feel…


Confidence is an attitude of mind. Fear, or lack of confidence, is all about uncertainty – you might even think that feeling self-conscious or anxious is just naturally how you are. But, at some point, you have learned to feel this way; even if it was so long ago that you cannot remember why or how. The good news is that anything you have learned, can also be unlearned!


Once you have done something enough for the uncertainty to mostly disappear, the fear disappears too. But that leaves a big problem. What if you’re so scared to do something you can’t even get started? Or what if it’s not the sort of thing you can practise? You can address any thoughts that may have weakened your confidence and lowered your self-esteem and replace these with better, more helpful thoughts. This is where using ‘mental rehearsel’ comes in – it helps you to build a ‘bridge’ from where you are now to where you want to be – doing what you want to do comfortably.  However strange it sounds – our brain doesn’t discriminate between what we actually think and picture in our brain and what we actually do – the same parts of our brain light up.  So, by changing our thoughts, everything can change.  Sounds easier said than done – doesn’t it?  Don’t worry, with the right support and guidance, it might just be easier than you think to make those changes.


This therapy can help you to:


  • feel more sociable and outgoing.
  • develop good, positive feelings.
  • step outside your ‘comfort-zone’.
  • develop a better, healthier self-image.
  • relax and enjoy the company of others.


By using a natural state of focused relaxation and concentration, we are able to make the changes we desire. If you’re ready to move forward, get in touch with me now to see how I can help.


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Let’s make some positive changes…

Why wait to feel better? This therapy can help with a wide range of issues   It can also help you to understand:

  • how your brain reacts
  • why you may feel the way you do
  • what you can do about it

Imagine being able to let go of unhelpful patterns of behaviour, or process traumatic events, without having to discuss the past in detail?  Leaving you free to work on your best hopes for today, tomorrow and the rest of your life.   Why not take the first step and book a FREE Discovery session. Find out more about how this therapy can help you kickstart change and 3 steps you can take straight away that will help.

Book FREE discovery session